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Never too old to learn 活到老学到老





2014-01-04 16:11:26|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |






1. a photograph of …的一张照片               2. in a valley在山谷里

3. between two hills 在两山之间               4. be on a river …靠近一条河

5. along the bank of the river 沿着河岸          6. on the left在左边

7. on the right在右边                        8. swim across the river 游过河

9. school building 学校大楼                   10. beside a park在一座公园旁边

11. come out of…里出来                  12. some of…当中的一些

13. go into…进入到                      14. some students 一些学生

15. some of them 他们中是一些人              16. go into the shop 走进商店

17. go out of the shop  从商店走出来           18. sit on the grass 坐在草地上

19. walk across the street  横穿街道            20. run along the wall 沿着墙跑

21. jump off the branch     从树枝跳下来       22. stand between the policemen 站在两名警察之间

23. fly under the bridge   从桥下飞过           24. fly over the bridge 从桥上飞过

25. along the banks of the river, 沿着河岸        26.swim across the river.他正横渡小河。

27. come out of the classroom  从教室里走出去



1. They are my _____________________. (foot)

2. You can call ___________________ (she) Alice.

3. Look. They are _________________________.(fireman)

4. ---Is this ___________________________ (you) rubber, Tony? --- Yes, it is.

5. I like ________________________. (cat) I don’t like dogs.

6. The mouse is brave. His __________________(tooth) are sharp.

7. --- I’m Ben. I’m eleven. It’s my birthday today.

--- Happy birthday to you. --- ___________. (thank)

8. This is my friend. He _____(have) a skateboard.

9. The _________ (bus) are yellow.

10. I have a friend. ____________(she) name is Wendy.

11. --- Who is she? --- She is _________( I ) mother.

12. ---What colour is your father’s _________(car)? --- It is black.

13. We can’t ____________(play) the recorder in the library.

14. --- What can Helen ___________ (do)?

--- She can _______________ (make) an aeroplane.

15. His ears ____________ (be) not big.

16. They’re good ________________ (waitress).

17. My mother ___________ (have) a nice flower.

18. She _________(like) snakes.

19. We ____________( not like ) robots.

20. Look! What are _________(this)? ---They are ___________ (sheep).

21. Are there _____________ (some) flowers in the plant house?

22. Tom ____________ ( like ) rabbits, But he ___________ (not like) dogs.

23. How many ___________ (star) are there in the sky?

24. Here ____________ (be) some corn.

25. ________ (she) is my sister. You can call ________ (she) Jenny.

She has a toy cat. ________ (it) tail is short.

26. Look at these ___________(mouse). They run very fast.

27. --- Is this _____________ (elephant)? --- Yes.

28. Peter drinks some _______(coffee).

29. Here’s some ______________(meat) for the tigers.

30. Here are some ____________(present).

31. Look at ________(moon). It looks like a boat.

32. Whose toy is this? It’s______(Ted).

33. I like _________(ball). I can play very well.

34. That is __________ (they) kite. It’s new.

35. Supergirl _________(can) cook, but she _________(can) fly.

36. __________(have) Mary’s sister any bicycles?No.

37. How much ___________ (be) these flowers? Twenty-five yuan.

38. Mary can _________ (read) English books.

39. Peter, __________ (be) you hungry? __________ (have) some cakes.

40. Here ________ (be ) a pencil and a sketch-book for you.

41. Eddie and Wendy’s cat _______ ( not like) to _______ (climb) the tree.

42. ___________(there be) an orange and an apple in the packet?

43. Alice, ____________ (not write) on the blackboard.

44. There _____________(not be) any water in the bottle.

45. How many _________ (sandwich) can you see? One.

46. Our teacher ___________ (like) me very much.

47. Telephone 119. Look, the __________ (fireman) are coming.

48. You can call _________(he) Mr. MacDoald.

There are some animals on ___________ (he) farm.

49. _________(not open) your books. Please ___________ (listen) to the teacher.

50. There _____(be) a pen and two pencils in the box.

There _______(be) two pencils and a pen in the box.

Read and choose(读一读,选择正确的单词填空,每词限用一次):


between       behind       under     bakery     canteen


1. Look, Miss Fang is __________ the tree. She is sleeping.

2. Alice is __________ Mary. Mary is in front of Alice.

3. Can they have lunch in the ___________?   Yes, of course.

4. Do you like eating bread?  Yes, I go to the ____________ every day.

5. There is an office ____________ two classrooms.



library     supermarket      their       many      much


1. The boy is buying some books in the _____________.

2. Eric and Peter are classmates. Mr. Li is ____________ Chinese teacher.

3. How ____________ are two boxes of sweets?

4. How ____________ sheep are there on the farm? There are four.

5. We can read books in the ____________.



pick       likes       throw       like        feeds


1. Old Macdonald ____________ his animals every day.

2. Don’t ___________ stones.

3. We can’t ____________ the flowers on the farm.

4. Your little brother __________ these lovely birds.

5. Horses ___________ eating hay.



under     in front of       near       in      behind


1. Look, Eric is _____________ Danny. So Danny is ____________ Eric.

2. The cows are ____________ the tree.

3. There are some ducks ______________ the pond.

4. There is a restaurant ____________ the supermarket.



 sunny    Sunday    weather    cool     cold


1. Today is _____. Let’s go to Century Park.

2. How is the ______ in spring?

3. Autumn is ______. We can fly kites in the park.

4. It is a _____ day. The sun is shining.

5. I don’t like winter. It’s too _____.



am       is      are        have      has


1. There _____ a table and two chairs in the room.

2. Do you ____ a camera?

3. There _____ some bottles of water in the office.

4. I ______ a beautiful girl.

5. Kitty is my good friend. She ____ many beautiful dresses.



aviary     dry     April      camera        sketchbook


1. In_________, it’s warm and sunny.

2. I can write and draw on my ___________.

3. There are some ___________ at Century Park.

4. It’s __________ and cold in winter.

5. I take some photos with my __________.




show       send         buy        have       stay


1. Kitty and Alice are _________ the photos.

2. We can ________ many things on Nanjing Road.

3. Please ________ a letter in the post office.

4. We are __________ a computer lesson.

5. Don’t _________ in the plant house now.


Write at least 6 sentences (请介绍你的一位朋友、同学或家人,写写年龄、外貌、职业、能力、喜好等,至少6句,要求2-3种句型。先将题目补充完整。)

My __________

Write at least 6 sentences(请说说你知道的一个场所,如学校、动物园、超市、餐馆等,可以写写大小、具体的场所及特点等等,至少6句,要求2-3种句型。先将题目补充完整。)

A __________


Write at least 6 sentences(请介绍你喜欢的一种食物,说说它的形状、口味、特点等,至少6句话,要求2-3种句型。先将题目补充完整。)

I Like __________


Write at least 5 sentences(请介绍你喜欢的一种农场动物,说说体型、颜色、能力、喜欢吃的食物等,至少5句话,要求2-3种句型。先将题目补充完整。)

I Like __________



Write at least 6 sentences(请介绍你喜欢的一个季节,说说颜色、气候、能做的事情等等,至少6句话,要求2-3种句型。先将题目补充完整。)

I Like __________



Write at least 6 sentences(以At Century Park为题写话,至少6句话,要求2-3种句型。先将题目补充完整。)

At Century Park

















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