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Never too old to learn 活到老学到老





2014-05-31 17:03:25|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |




四、默写2作文和报纸My Favourite Musical Instrument



IV.           Every morning, it wakes Alice up. “Wake up”. The Alice gets up and gives Dotty some rice to eat . Dotty will says “Thanks.” Alice likes it very much.

II. 1. What does Victor do ?(询问职业)      He’s a vet.

    2. Where does Victor work?(询问在哪工作?)     He works in a pet clinic.

    3. What’s in the storeroom?   (What’s +介词短语?)

        There is some medicine. (medicine是不可数名词用is)


My favourite musical instrument

I have a piano. It is my favourite musical instrument. Look at it. It is big and black. Touch it. It is hard and smooth. I can play the piano. I often play it in my bedroom. I have piano lessons on Sunday. I like playing the piano very much. How about you?

         My favourite festival

My favourite festival is the Mid-autumn Festival. It is in September or in October. The moon is round and bright at night. I often have a big dinner with my parents and grandparents. After diner we eat mooncakes. And we can watch the beautiful moon in the sky. What a nice day!


festival 节日      China 中国      relative 亲戚           mooncake 月饼    

dragon         class 班级      grade 年级         dumpling 饺子,汤圆

envelope 信封    fireworks烟花     restaurant 餐馆  race   (竞速)比赛

month  月份       bubble          call叫做          get得到 

weather天气     double 双重      important 重要的     activity活动(项目)

January一月      February二月        May五月          June六月

September 九月    October十月     great好极了           traditional传统的    

special特别的       colourful色彩缤纷的         Chinese中国的,中国人   

manners 礼仪,规矩     during 在……期间      rice dumpling 粽子

talk about    谈论关于……     during the Spring Festival  在春节期间

the Spring Festival 春节 the Chinese New Year

the Mid-autumn Festival  中秋节            the Double Ninth festival 重阳节

the Dragon Boat Festival  端午节           watch dragon boat races观看龙舟赛

at the Mid-autumn Festival 在中秋节          live in    居住在…

the old peoples home   养老院              in Class 3 Grade 4 在四年级三班

in the class     在课上                     learn painting      学习画画

in China         在中国              an important festival  一个重要的节日

traditional food    传统食物         money in red envelopes 红包

on New years Eve  在除夕夜    watch beautiful fireworks 看五彩缤纷的烟花                      

climb mountains 爬山              the first day of the Spring Festival大年初一              

at a restaurant 在一个餐馆     eat  Double Ninth cakes      吃重阳糕    

table manners餐桌礼仪        visit my relatives and friends    走亲访友

special  food    特殊的食物   have a big dinner         吃大餐

buy new clothes  买新衣  visit  old people        看望老人

look at the beautiful moon  观看美丽的月亮

It’s not polite to do sth.  做某事不礼貌

1.    Miss Fang and the students are talking about festivals in China.芳老师和学生们在谈论中国节日。

2.    What do you usually do during the Spring Festival?   春节期间你通常做什么?

3.    My favourite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival.  我最喜欢的节日是端午节。

4.    Many old people live in the old peoples home.    许多老人住在养老院。

5.    The students in Class 3 Grade 4 often go to visit them at the Double Ninth Festival.


6.    This is me in the classroom.    在教室里的是我。

7.    The Spring Festival is an important festival in China.春节是中国一个重要的节日。

8.    People also call it the Chinese New year.  人们也叫它做中国新年。

9.    On New Years Eve, families have a big dinner together.      在新年除夕,家庭们一起吃一顿大餐。

10.  Children can get money in red envelopes.  孩子们可以从红包里得到钱。

11.  It is not polite to talk with your mouth full, and don’t run around or play with your food.


12.  Never blow bubbles when you drink milk.   喝牛奶时永远不要吹气泡。




节日      中国        亲戚          月饼    

        班级        年级         饺子,汤圆

信封      烟花       餐馆           (竞速)比赛

月份                叫做        得到 

天气     双重      重要的     活动(项目)

一月      二月       五月         六月

九月    十月     好极了           传统的    

特别的       色彩缤纷的         中国的,中国人   

礼仪,规矩     在……期间     粽子

谈论关于……     在春节期间

春节 the Chinese New Year

中秋节             重阳节

端午节             观看龙舟赛

在中秋节           居住在…

养老院             在四年级三班

在课上             学习画画

在中国              一个重要的节日

传统食物            红包

在除夕夜            看五彩缤纷的烟花                      

爬山                大年初一              

在一个餐馆          吃重阳糕    

餐桌礼仪            走亲访友

特殊的食物         吃大餐

买新衣             看望老人

观看美丽的月亮      做某事不礼貌


1.    芳老师和学生们在谈论中国节日。

2.    春节期间你通常做什么?

3.    我最喜欢的节日是端午节。

4.     许多老人住在养老院。

5.    四年级三班的学生经常在重阳节去探望他们。

6.     在教室里的是我。

7.    春节是中国一个重要的节日。

8.    人们也叫它做中国新年。

9.    在新年除夕,家庭们一起吃一顿大餐。

10.   孩子们可以从红包里得到钱。

11.  满口说话、不环绕或者玩你的食物是不礼貌的。

12.  喝牛奶时永远不要吹气泡。


30Sam likes dog food.(改为否定句)


31Milly shakes the tree.(改为现在进行时)


32The dogs like bones.(对画线部分提问)


33The mouse is hungry.(对画线部分提问)


34Joe is eating toast in the boat.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)


35We like these toys.(改为否定句)


36I like parrots best.(改变句式,句意不变)


37This knife is hard and sharp.(改变复数句)


38There is a bowl of food on the boat.(对画线部分提问)


39These sweets are sweet.(对画线部分提问)


40My sister likes playing badminton.(改为一般疑问句)


41Do some exercise before you go into the water.(改为否定句)


42I need a swimming suit.(对画线部分提问)


43Kitty likes to join a new club.(对画线部分提问)


44This is my hobby.(改为复数句)


45The apple tastes crunchy.(对画线部分提问)


46Are these purple grapes sweet?(改为肯定句)


47My father is cooking dinner in the kitchen.(对画线部分提问)


48We usually chats with our parents.(改为现在进行时)


49This is Mike’s pencil-case.(对画线部分提问)


50Ben likes playing football in the park.( 改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)


51This baby wants to walk.(改为复数句)


52He is writing a letter in the bedroom.(对画线部分提问)


53I usually watch TV with my parents at night. (Kitty 改写句子)


54Danny usually reads a story book at bedtime.(改为否定句)


55My father is cooking dinner in the kitchen.(对画线部分提问)


56The sheep like grass.(对画线部分提问)


57My brother can ride a horse. He can’t drive a car.(两句合并为一句)


58These knives are sharp and smooth.(改为单数句)


59The watermelon tastes sweet.(对画线部分提问)


60Their shadows are behind them.(改为单数)


61My parents like walking on the beach.(画线部分提问)


62Are these knives sharp?(改为单数句)


63Are those purple grapes sour?(改为肯定句)


64Henry’s shadow is long and thin.(对画线部分提问)


65Miss Fang’s books are thin.(改为否定句,句意不变)


66Put your pencils in the pencil case.(改为否定句)


67You can take off your shoes.(改为一般疑问句)


68There’s something in the sand.(对画线部分提问)


69Those are Tom’s rules.(对画线部分提问)


70These are Sandy’s pencils. (对画线部分提问)


71These books are thick. (对画线部分提问)


72There are some drinks in the cupboard.(该文一般疑问句)


73Peter sometimes runs to the park.(改为现在进行时)


74Jim has lunch at school.(否定句)


75The apple is sweet.(对画线部分提问)


76I like eating cakes. I like eating bread.(改为选择疑问句)


77The tree’s shadow is long.(对画线部分提问)


78Henry likes playing with his shadow.(改为一般疑问句)


79Walk down the road.(改为否定句)




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