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Never too old to learn 活到老学到老





2015-03-08 10:19:58|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |

 一、   抄写73课文11中,并默写

二、   默写词组、动词过去式和副词

三、     熟读笔记(复习一般过去时) 


know very well      对……很了解

lose ones way               迷路

ask sb. the way           向某人问路

say to oneself             心中暗想

think aloud  = talk to oneself 自言自语地说

tell sb. the way to ( a place )   某人去某地的路

speak (a language)        讲某种语言

tell a story                  讲故事

talk about                 谈论有关

take out                      拿出



read-read   put-put    cut-cut  shave-shaved    arrive-arrived 

is, am-was     are-were     go-went   know-knew   lose-lost  

see-saw   say-said   tell-told  swim-swam

smile-smiled speak-spoke take-took find-found eat-ate

give-gave drink-drank   meet-met     understand-understood


ask-asked   open-opened   greet-greeted    work-worked    enjoy-enjoyed


bad-badly  hurried-hurriedly  pleasant-pleasantly slow-slowly

 sudden-suddenly  warm-warmly   thirsty-thirstily       careful-carefully    quick-quickly




1.  路                  去某地的走法             迷路                  问路

2.  认识                   对…熟悉

3.  突然的                    突然地

4.  公共汽车车站

5.  说话                 对某人说                   自言自语

6.  微笑

7.  愉快的                             愉快地

8.  旅游者

9.  讲(语言)                          讲德语

10.取出                                放入



13.短语                             短语手册

14.慢慢的                           慢慢地

15.剃须                            16.匆忙地

17.割到自己                        18.口渴地

19.热情地                          20.在马路上

21.遇见                           22.打招呼

23.到家                           24.尽兴,玩得愉快


1. know    2. lose       3. see              4. ask

5. say     6. tell        7. smile             8. understand

9. stand            10. speak                 11. is/am

12. put           13. take                      14. open

15. find         16. read                     17. shave

18. give      19. meet                     20. greet

21. go          22. work                    23. enjoy       24. swim


1. bad     2. pleasant        3. quick      4. sudden

5. hurried    6. warm      7. good       8. usual

9. large     10. slow      11. beautiful      12. careful

13. lucky    14. heavy      15. busy


This story happened to Mrs. Miller and a man from G________. Mrs. Miller went to London l________ week. But she l________ her way because she doesn’t know London very w________. At that time she saw the man was standing n________ a bus s________. She thought he could help her. So she a________ him the way to King Street. However, he was a t________ and he didn’t u________ English. Then the man opened a p________ in his p________ and found a p________. He read it s________. He said that he was s________ and he didn’t s________ English.

 Write in the simple past of the irregular verbs in these sentences. 用不规则动词的过去式填空。

1. The man          (speak) very slowly, but I didn't understand him.

2. The most tourist           (lose) his way in Hong Kong.

3. My friends             (meet) me at the railway station.

4. Jill's father         (give) her the key to the front doo.

5. Mrs. Mills          (be) in London last week.

6. She         (go) to Paris last year.

7. The men        (drink) their tea very quickly.

8. We          (see) our friends at the bus stop.

9. The students             (understand) me because I spoke very slowly and carefully.

10. The boy         (find) some money and         (take) it to his teacher.

11. We         (swim) in the sea yesterday.

12. That man       (do) a very good job for us.

13. The girl        (cut) her leg very badly.

14. I      (read) the exercise very carefully.







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